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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Recovery Continues

We're preparing to send at least one more team to St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, this year. This will be our church's 9th organized group to help in post-hurricane recovery efforts over there. Most of the previous ones went to St. Bernard, with one sent further east to Pascagoula, Mississippi. The volunteer coordinator at The St. Bernard Project anticipates the rebuilding efforts to continue for at least 5 more years. She said applications for assistance are still coming in, at a rate of about five a week. Another reminder that although the press may no longer have this on its radar, there's still work left to be 2 1/2 years after Katrina.

Arirang, Pyongyang-style

North Korea has allowed 300 Americans in for 48 hours. The journalists' accounts that I've read so far are surreal. The stirring performance by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra before an audience of neatly coiffed men in dark suits and women in colorful hanboks; the tour of the Grand People's Study House, an immaculate library where, while neatly-dressed patrons stared at computers, "no one was waiting, no one came and no one left." This is truly a historic event, but it's tough to shut out the images of smuggled video footage showing public executions of dissidents and starving people just 2 years ago. What's really going on there?

Monday, February 18, 2008

In 9120 Steps

I enjoyed several "pause and lean in" moments during my hike to and from BART today.

My outbound walk on this President's Day off took me past half a dozen men washing or polishing their rides in front of their homes. 90s Nissans, Volkswagons, Hondas, all with keys in the ignition to power their pumping stereos. An old Chinese man on a recycling (wage-earning) expedition fished out a plastic bag full of empty beer bottles from a trash can -- jackpot! -- before stepping aside for me to pass.

On my way home, three guys in hoodies lined a bench outside the darkened public library, hunched over their laptops. It was after hours, but they could still get wi-fi access. Every dog owner seemed to be out for their pre-dinner stroll. Said hello to a rottweiler, beagle, spotted mutt, and a couple of low-riders.

Pretty interesting 9120 steps, I'd say.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Gladiators Are Back!

I stumbled upon the latest installment of American Gladiators the other day. It's been over 10 years since the show went on hiatus, but I found myself getting into it as much as before -- wringing a throw pillow and kicking the air while watching amateur contestants dodge tennis balls aimed at their heads, heave themselves into a wall of freakishly muscular people, drop on all fours on a swaying bridge to avoid being bowled over by giant swinging beanbags, and scale a spongy pyramid guarded by Amazons who then bodily pick them up and hurl them back to the bottom. If I had 100 pounds more muscle (and could wear a full-body cushion), I'd try out for that show. You don't scare me, Siren! (ok, maybe a little...)

In Others' Words

"Music is the only place where true democracy lives. Every note is equal." - Vince Gill, accepting his Grammy for Best Country Album.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

HIs and LOs

A sign of maturity is dealing with life's ups and downs with temperance and calm, right? Still working on that...

Last week, I remember thinking to myself, "How did she know?" after an interesting encounter with a psychic who commented, "You have a strong positive aura about you," as we rode side-by-side down the escalator at the mall. How did she know I was having an exceptionally good week? I declined her offer to delve deeper, but acknowledged that she may have a gift. I was feeling quite pleased at the time -- got kudos from the non-profit where I volunteer, finished what I considered to be meaningful work, and garnered a ribbon for my speech at Toastmasters.

Things took a slight dip this week, though, when I got a parking ticket for foolishly paying the wrong meter. The fine was equivalent to almost 7 good meals at T.K. Noodle House. Then came the day-long b-day celebration with my guy, which launched me on an upswing. Then I picked up the mail and learned that Homeland Security had 460 days to respond to my application, which means that my chance to cast my first election vote this year is slim to nil. Downswing.

But what about the fact that I have an awesome family, cool friends, and, for the most part, good physical and spiritual health? That's the stuff that matters. Life is good... (so stop fretting, you big baby!)

Post #101

I just realized that I hit 100 posts with my last entry. Whoo hoo! Is there a blogger celebration dance that goes with it? I'm doing The Smurf.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thankful for You

35 years ago today, my beau emerged into this world, no doubt fighting hard to stifle the natural instinct to cry and squirm; and preferring instead to flop his head back and drawl, "Hey Dude. Wassup?" Well, it seems he's close to perfecting this state of "chill" over the years, even in the midst of this "ridiculously busy" workday. As he makes time to to receive calls and read e-mails of good wishes from friends and family, I'm beaming contentedly that others are appreciating him today, as I hope I'm doing everyday.

"Gimme an 'H', gimme an 'A', gimme a "double-P, Y!
So grateful for you am I, oh my!
May this birthday be described as 'Happy', all right
'Specially with Korean and Cloverfield lined up for tonight!"

(okay, so I got an "F" in rhyme class)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Five Football Fields

That's how far we swam on Saturday. 10 laps, or 500 meters, or 5 football fields. We rock.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Who Are You?

I gave my Icebreaker speech at Toastmasters today. While prepping for it, I had the chance to reflect and pick out bits and pieces of my life to introduce to this new group. I wrestled with a few different ways I could characterize myself, like by what I'm passionate about; the various chapters of my life; where I've lived; my evolving taste in music...

What about you? What defines who you are, and how would you describe yourself in a 4-6 minute speech?