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Friday, February 20, 2009

Science Nerds, Unite!

My overseas science teacher cousin used our address just once to order some classroom supplies, and we're now on the mailing list of places like Educational Innovations and Edmund Scientifics. Although I'm going to ask to be removed from their lists, I must say that those catalogs are just plain FUN.

Whether you're a scientist or not, who couldn't use a set of cuddly GIANTMicrobe plushies*; an Air Zooka Vortex Launcher to get the attention of someone across the room; a Fingerprint Kit to reenact your favorite CSI episodes; Beaker Mugs for your next house party; or some Instant Snow Polymer to enhance those Christmas decorations?

Not everything in the catalogs are fun and games, though. A glimpse of the Molecular Model Set gave me shivers and a sudden headache, bringing back the psychological trauma of my organic chem days.

*I'm partial to the "Common Cold".

Weight Lifted This Month: 1 Elephant

According to my YMCA FitLinxx account, which tracks my workouts in and outside the gym, I've...
  • done 528 minutes (almost 9 hrs) of cardio activity
  • burned "1,472 calories = 18 apples"; and
  • lifted "8,935 pounds = 1 elephant" far this month. What an amusing way to think of exercise!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kaleo Musings

From yesterday...

"Wow, they've got, like, whole carrots in here!" my coffee house companion exclaims, stabbing his fork into the hefty cake slice we're sharing.

A Hawaiian singer coos in country-western style with quivering notes, his slack guitar rift punctuated with occasional crashes of cymbals. (Odd, but it works.) My bird's eye view from the Kaleo Cafe balcony captures my fellow patrons, most of them staring at laptop screens or strewn papers on round tables. Our uniting factor is the characteristic white coffee/cocoa mug adorning each of our workspaces, our ticket to use the free wi-fi service here.

Now, it's my turn to discover whole carrots in this cake...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Street Fairey

...alias of street artist Shepard Fairey, who created the shadowy OBEY Giant visage 20 years ago. Inspired by the late wrestler (and "Princess Bride" star) André the Giant, and subliminal messages in the campy 80s film "They Live", his recognizable "big brother" stare is now ubiquitous in subways, tunnels, and other urban settings around the world.

More recently, Fairey has gained fame as the guy responsible for Obama's iconic and viral Hope poster, which spawned similar-styled images*. About his latest work for the Adopt-a-Pet campaign,
"I'm a big believer in speaking up for all who suffer injustice, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or in this case, species! And I'm all for adopting from the shelter. The image I created for this print reminds me of a dog I had as kid, a mutt named Honey."
To some, he's a communist, propangandist, and vandal. As for me, I'm inclined to call him a gifted social commentator.

*Create your own Fairey-styled poster here.
**Random trivia: Spelled a little differently, "Street Faërie" is one of my all-time favorite albums by Cree Summer.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ocean's Six

We hailed from all over, the six of us* who gathered for an eventful weekend in Vegas. We each brought a special skill to "the job", ranging from the coveted Monk-like ability to return everything to its proper place, to ancient family wisdom of finding winning slots. While our heist failed in that, as the Treasure Island pirates might say, "we left port without our booty", we enjoyed a great time nonetheless.

Some highlights,... Ready, Go:
  • Shuttle driver Yolanda, who schooled us in surviving on The Strip, in her deep booming voice over blaring hip hop hits
  • 3-hour buffet lunch at the Mirage and running into our wedding DJ at the tilapia station
  • Comedienne Rita Rudner and her decorative pillows (no innuendo intended)
  • Dancing fountains at the Bellagio that evoked mouth-dropping awe like when I was a 6-year old at Disneyland
  • Papa John's pizza ("papa-sized") and wings at 2AM
  • Blue Man Group, still a must-see with loads of new material since I last saw them 10 years ago
  • Cab driver Earl from Chowchilla, CA who kindly offered to let me steer while he scribbled on his clipboard
Our next caper? Portland, perhaps.

* Ocean had already left the scene at time of photo.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Taco Truckin'

I tasted my first taco truck burrito the other day, from a taqueria-on-wheels on Harrison between 19th and 20th. El Tonayense had two occupants when we arrived - an older portly guy who greeted us with a gruff but friendly "Hola!" before taking our orders; and a cook in a plain white T. who smoked up the joint with some intense sautéeing soon after acknowledging our requests.

My al pastor (shredded roast pork) burrito infused with hot sauce was handed to me as a dense roll tightly wrapped in aluminum foil. The spicy juices and aroma poured out eagerly when I peeled back the silver lining. I thought I had landed the best item on the menu,...until I snuck a taste of the carnitas quesadilla that my guy picked. Never expected those rich flavors to come out of a mobile kitchen!

Our mid-afternoon snack companions included three others, a well-dressed Caucasian couple who emerged from a white Audi, and a loner Hispanic male who pulled up in a lime green Oldsmobile. As we munched on our portable eats, we leaned carelessly against the adjacent schoolyard fence while intermittent cheers of Superbowl fans roared through loft windows across the street.