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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'll Be Back!

A and I share the same appreciation for good customer service, and for me, especially when it promotes a sense of community. Today I stumbled upon a warm and hospitable place that I'll likely revisit, even though the food wasn’t spectacular. New Filipinas Restaurant (953 Mission St), where I was greeted by three cheerful titas (Tagalog for "aunties") who, upon learning that I'm also from SE Asia and only had enough cash on me for a one-item lunch order, chorused for me to add their "popular beef soup" to my tray. "For you, it's free," one of them beamed. I wanted to throw my arms around her like a little girl, as if I'd known her all my life.

My one-item, Adobo Pork, which I ate with white rice, was "okay", but I must say the soup was good-to-the-last-drop delicious. I soaked in my surroundings as I took my time over this simple meal -- two of San Francisco's finest, looking sharp in their dark blue uniforms and pausing between mouthfuls each time a woman's alto voice crackled on their walkie talkies; a group of Hispanic construction workers wearing t-shirts that read "Bay Area Surfaces"; and several other small groups of diners, all tradesmen, chatting in Tagalog.

Noone left the place without exchanging a few friendly words with the titas, most of them promising to "See you again!" before heading back out to the rain-soaked streets. I think I'll try the tilapia next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

definitely sounds like a place i want to go to! Anyone who treats my honey like the queen that she is is a good place for me :)