From underground to the top of the world... I first met the guy in 1995 during my summer internship at Lava Beds National Monument ("Club Beds") where we explored caves and monitored bat colonies. Not sure how deep underground we ventured, but I remember many hours of hiking in dark catacombs illuminated only by our headlamps, and eerie silence except for our steady boot steps and occasional *thunk* of a hardhat against a low overhang.

- Research into promoting lung health and preventing lung diseases;
- Being pro-active in environmental health issues and the fight against outdoor air pollutants;
- Reducing tobacco use, especially among young people, which is responsible for >40,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.
YAY - to your crazy freakish friends who make us feel like slugs, but very happy lazy slugs!!!
I'm being cautious with money these days but I morally wholeheartedly support the effort and the cause. If you need a place to crash before cheering him on at the finish line, you'll know who to call. ;)
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