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One of the less flattering descriptions that I've heard of American culture is "aggressive". It follows that a characteristic that's probably not seen as desirable here is "meekness". But from studying the word more closely, I realize this is a trait I want to strive to master.

The word "meek" is often associated with "weak" and conjures up images of someone who is timid, bland, unambitious, and...well, wimpy. It's origins, though, tell a different story.
The Bible associates meekness with humility, with the notion that we are greatly humbled by our insignificance relative to a much higher power, God. Merriam-Webster describes "meek" as a Middle English word of Scandinavian origin, related to
mjūkr, Old Norse for gentle; and defines it as "
enduring injury with patience and without resentment".
Now this doesn't mean meek people should let themselves be stepped on. Contraire, people who are meek (based on this definition) are convicted in their belief, which shifts their focus from themselves to something much larger that motivates everything that they do -- like exhibiting patience in sucky situations, showing kindness and reaching out to others, and just being concerned about the welfare of other people.
I like the way our Pastor summarized it:
"Weakness is thinking less of yourself. Meekness is thinking of yourself less."
1 comment:
you are SOOOO meek!!! That was cool. I feel just a little smarter today. Thanks -A
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