(20 minutes later)
We held our breaths as my droplet of blood hovered at the center of the blue liquid. After a few quick glances at the second hand on the wall clock, the nurse leaned back as the crimson disc drifted listlessly to the bottom of the vial. "Longer than 10 seconds," she remarked. "You may not have enough iron in your blood," she continued, proceeding to collect a larger sample of blood by jabbing another thin tube into my middle finger, which was still throbbing slightly from the earlier pinprick. "But I will need to run more sample in a centrifuge to know for sure." She slipped out of the room quickly, leaving me thinking, "Not another rejection!" *insert exaggerated grimace*
(10 minutes later)
"Your hematocrit level needs to be at least 38%," the nurse prefaced when she returned. She paused for dramatic effect as I shifted to the edge of my seat. "You're at 40%!" she declared with a big grin. "So you can donate today, but,..." She leaned towards my exposed arms and poked the insides of my elbows. "Go get a cup of juice first, so that your veins will 'pop out' more." I did as I was told, deciding not to reveal that I was already feeling quite waterlogged. My veins are just stealthy that way.
(20 minutes later)
"Nothing," the phlebotomist whispered, staring blankly at the empty tube, then at the needle in my left arm. She gave me an apologetic look, then grabbed the wings of the butterfly again. I turned away as she gave it a slight twist. "Got it!" she exclaimed. I expelled a sigh of relief and turned to gaze at the dark red fluid coursing through the plastic tube into the pint-sized bag.
(9 minutes later)
"You're all done!" I hadn't realized until I heard those words that that I had been in a tense state for the past hour. I became acutely aware of my shoulders relaxing and my breaths deepening as I beamed proudly at the plump red bag lying next to me.
See you nice Blood Bank people in 8 weeks!
1 comment:
i vant to suck ur blood ;) -A
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