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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Street Fairey

...alias of street artist Shepard Fairey, who created the shadowy OBEY Giant visage 20 years ago. Inspired by the late wrestler (and "Princess Bride" star) André the Giant, and subliminal messages in the campy 80s film "They Live", his recognizable "big brother" stare is now ubiquitous in subways, tunnels, and other urban settings around the world.

More recently, Fairey has gained fame as the guy responsible for Obama's iconic and viral Hope poster, which spawned similar-styled images*. About his latest work for the Adopt-a-Pet campaign,
"I'm a big believer in speaking up for all who suffer injustice, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or in this case, species! And I'm all for adopting from the shelter. The image I created for this print reminds me of a dog I had as kid, a mutt named Honey."
To some, he's a communist, propangandist, and vandal. As for me, I'm inclined to call him a gifted social commentator.

*Create your own Fairey-styled poster here.
**Random trivia: Spelled a little differently, "Street Faërie" is one of my all-time favorite albums by Cree Summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a mutt named mutt :) the street faerie is cool :) -a