When he decided to replace his 4 times daily injection regimen with a pump that would require a jab once every 3 days, I had never thought of wearing one to "try it out". But when his doctor said spouses do have that option -- to help us empathize and understand the burden (literally) of living with diabetes using a pump -- I jumped on the chance.
Over the course of 2 hours, Nurse L patiently taught us how to program our CozMore-brand pumps, get it to administer a specified bolus, load the insulin reservoir, and ultimately, inject the cannula into our bodies using an infusion set. (Amazingly sophisticated technology with its own vocabulary.) I held my breath as I pushed the spring-loaded insertion device against my waist -- felt a prick like a bee sting -- then sighed with relief.

So far, my pump has accompanied me to bed, the shower, on trips to the bathroom (TMI?), and for morning stretches - and both of us have emerged unscathed. The ultimate test will be Pilates-Yoga (a.k.a. contortionist) class tomorrow.
So how does it feel, 24 hours into it? I don't think about it most of the time, but when I do, I sense a dull ache where the cannula is attached. To be honest, there have been moments when I've wanted to rip it off and chuck it out the window. But my guy won't have that option. Hopefully that sober realization will help make me a better support for him.
thanks hon... that was nice to read :) diabetics in the world will appreciate your empathy ;0) -A
whoa dude. hardcore love. abe deserves it! thanks for your post. it opened my eyes to what diabetics have to go through. i always thought the pump was an easy fix. i guess there's pros and cons to everything. your post helped me to understand one of my students a little better. thanks!
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