As reflected in the No Opportunity Wasted campaign, he lives by the philosophy of turning thought into action, carpe diem. "No more shoulda, coulda, woulda. Think big, challenge yourself, ditch the excuses,... live life NOW. Think. Write it Down. Then Do." (Reminiscent of wise Yoda's "Do or do not. There is no try.")
Phil began his 3500-mile cross-country trek in L.A. on March 28. He's due in NYC on May 9, which means he's averaging 100 miles a day. As of today, he has covered 3,152 miles. Tomorrow,... onwards to Washington, D.C.
Thinking about that list...
1 comment:
man, i don't even like driving 100 miles... impressive - we shall do, not do not ;) -a
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