This is an Ode to Stars and Flags. Not the patriotic kinds, but rather, the ones that highlight important and pressing messages in my Inbox. Thanks to Google's stars and Apple Mail's flags, I'm able to stay true to my packrat-ness -- hello, 40,000+ messages! -- while keeping my e-mail priorities relatively organized.
During those computer "downtimes" when I take inventory of my e-mails throughout the day, the stars and flags help me zoom in on what I should focus on next. It's like in the film, Memento, where -- spoiler alert! -- whether I star or flag something (equivalent to Guy Pearce taking a Polaroid or taking notes) determines whether I'll remember to "get to it" later. Woe to that important message that I neglect to star or flag, though,...'cos sender, you'll probably have to send me another note!
such a pack rat... 40000 mails. thank goodness for gmail's large storage capacity :) -A
Love this post! Just what I need too~ I am trying utilizing the stars, exclamation point, and check mark ones in Gmail :) Let's be buddies on this? -- i need inspiration like this to stay on track! So, thanks!
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