...nothing much, when my glasses are missing!! I have a terrible track record with spectacle-retention these days. It all began a couple of years ago, on Day 1 (of 5) of our first hurricane relief trip to
St. Bernard Parish. That's when my glasses mysteriously leapt off my face while my fellow volunteers and I were gutting a flood-damaged home in 95-degree Louisiana weather. The funny thing was that it wasn't until break time, after I had ripped off my sweat-soaked N95 dust mask and thrown my hardhat onto the grassy lawn, that I realized it was not on my face. It took 20 minutes of gingerly stepping and squinting across the lawn before I accepted its fate and likely new home: the towering trash heap that had been created by our gutting efforts.
Two more recent episodes occurred within the last week... Last Friday, I discovered them missing an hour after our final swim in the hotel
alberca, but thankfully retrieved them where they had been abandoned, next to our lounge chair. And this morning, one of the lenses decided to pop out when I dropped them in the pool locker room, but, fortunately again, I found it lying on the floor, alone and tinted, when I rushed back to it later.

Maybe it's time for the granny look...
granny look... maybe... or maybe you should just STOP taking them off. ;)
This post made me laugh. I found a pair of spare glasses under my bed when I was moving. I'd been looking for them forEVER and had finally tossed the clip-on sunglasses figuring the corresponding glasses were lost and gone.
Now I have three spares - really, really old Rx with clip-ons (used for running only), really old Rx with no clip-ons (used for watching TV), old Rx with no clip-ons (not used for much of anything but I might want to reuse the frames for my next Rx so I'm saving them) and current Rx.
Grannys are often packrats too, right?
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